Monday, December 6, 2021

My culture

 My dad is from Aussie and my mum is from NZ so I am part Aussie and part NZ and I speak English and I had a dog that I had to put him down and I am sad but I am alright

Sunday, December 5, 2021

3 weeks at sea

 Hi, today at school Whenua and Takutai we are doing the summer learning journey and we watched a video about the voyages that went to sea for three weeks. below is what I would take out to sea if I was out there for three weeks. I hope you like what I would take.

1. bags of chips

2. water

3. fish


5. can of beans

6. can opener rod 

8. fishing lures 

9. lighters to cook the fish 

10. vegetables/biscuits 

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

funny fish haveing fun


 i used a google drawnings and i  used shaps and i did it with Miss Farr's class.